Thursday, August 31, 2006

AAAhhwww Mannnnnn,
No the footwell lights still don't work. One of the bulb holders is too corroded/broken so tried the other one. Got the multi meter out and tested for power, no power, so there must be a broken connection somewhere. Tested the fuse there was power to the fuse, (8th sept update, would have helped if I'd tested the right fuse.) so the problem must be along the live wire somewhere to the passenger footwell light. Don't know what to do now, as the wire is a nightmare to trace under the dash/underbody. Will have to think about this.

Wednesday, August 30, 2006

Blackberries,,,,, a short intermission here.
Yesterday, Tuesday was spent picking blackberries. These all go into two,five gallon brew bins with other seasonal fruits and are turned into 10 gallons of country wine. Ready some time next year.
Well back to the Bus, today I took the door switch off of the passenger door. Wondering why it didn't light up the interior passenger door light. The reason it seems is that it is only connected to the foot light. The passenger door light is only operated from opening the drivers door or so it seems. Took off half of the front storage panel/dashboard and looked for a wire that went from the passenger door switch to the passenger door light but couldn't find one. So strangely enough it does seem as though the interior passenger door light does only work from the drivers door.
The next stage was to get the lights on the footwells working. One on the passenger side footwell and one on the middle sliding door footwell. The front passenger door light came on after a bit of pulling and twisting of the bulb. this was then finally removed from it's holder and corrosion was the cause of the fault. This was cleaned up and a new bulb was fitted. The sliding door footwell light had no wires attached, (poitive and negative) these were corroded at the tips so were cut back to fresh copper. There was no bulb in the holder so the holder was cleaned up and the wires re-connected and a new bulb fitted. The moment of truth, would they both work

Friday, August 25, 2006

So back from Summer Holiday.
Been fitting a carpet to the bus interior, Tinted the front side windows. Made up and installed a cupboard and small stove.
Took the Bus out for a short run. Three smashed coffee mugs later, mmhhh I realised that I must put a lock onto that cupboard door.
Bank holiday this weekend, so with the roads in usual Bank holiday traffic chaos I think it will be a stay at home weekend.

Monday, August 14, 2006

Holiday Time.
Well a fortnight ago, The Bus was loaded up and driven down to Somerset. The Bus drove really well on it's first major outing. The speed was about 55/60 mph. Not record breaking by any means ,but this felt comfortable. The journey was done in one straight run, with a brief stop near Birmingham for fuel and overpriced food. Arrived on the country roads to Glastonbury in total darkness with roadworks and road closed signs/diversions everywhere. This stretch of the journey was not fun at all, finally parked up at about 11.45pm with eyes like a startled cat. Had a cup of tea (yeah Rock and Roll man) then went to sleep. The next few days were spent meeting friends and generally relaxing. Next stop Devon, about 1 hours drive south. This is where the Bus was slowish on the hills. The Bus would pull like a train in the lower gears as long as the revs where kept high. The plan was now to down-shift a gear or two at the sight of a oncoming steep hill. On the motorway stretches I was well impressed with the low end Torque from the engine, where putting your foot down in top, produced excellent power/speed.
Anyways, Devon arrived and once again the small festival which we crew at started to take shape, ready for the coming weekend with glorious sunshine and good company. The toilets were dug, the lights put up, stage erected, marquees put in place etc, now time to chill and enjoy the next few days.
Well the festy went great, but Monday arrived with a massive hangover and all sorts of tatting down jobs to do. Spent the day in glorious sunshine taking paracetamols and sweating loads.
There was only a few of us left on-site now, so with the evening getting ever closer a chip shop run was made and along with bottles of Smirnoff ice and wine that was donated from the beer tent, another alcohol night was enjoyed.
Woke up Tuesday morning feeling loads better, so after tea the few remaining jobs were finished off.
The weather was still beautiful and the decision was made to head off to Avebury for the night. A few others would follow on and we would meet up at Silbury Hill. A Lovely journey along the A303 then upwards towards Avebury and final destination, Silbury Hill.
Met up with a few friends . Cups of tea, then on to Avebury before retuning to Silbury Hill. A musical evening followed with Drumming, Didge amd flute. It was the night of the full moon and as it shone on to Silbury Hill, it made the whole area look magical. Rain followed a couple of hours later, so back to the bus for more tea and then sleep.
The next day off to Avebury for food and drink, then we spent the day drumming, didgin, fluting etc at the stones. Finally we said our goodbyes and our friends headed off to Essex. We then started north towards the Rollright stones and our eventual return home.
Also forgot to take the camera, so unfortunately no photos,,, oh well.