Sunday, December 17, 2006

Drove south east to a party on Friday, loads of music, food, drink, drumming and stuff.
Spent the night at the seaside with friends who also took their camper. Xmas carol singalong and brandy snowballs at some ungodly hour in their camper. This one has blown air heating.. very nice. Spent a chilly night back in the Bus, but at least the rain stopped. (Santa if you're reading this, I'd like a propex heater please.)
Bought some fabric to cover the rear seats, well at least enough to cover half of the rear seats.

Friday, December 15, 2006

Last weekend drove down to the woodland and spent some time with a few friends.
Very cold night in the bus. The heater that was bought works OK. Warmed the Bus up next morning. Don't leave it on during sleepy time though, as fire risk is too great.

Thursday, December 07, 2006

Fitted the new storage cupboard today. Drilled a few holes and then bolted it into place.
Top tip here - don't try to drill through carpet, especially loose carpet as the carpet backing can can get wound around the drill bit, not fun. Cut a hole where the drill bit is going to pass through the carpet, bit extra work, but a lot less hassle in the long run.

Wednesday, December 06, 2006

Well it's finally stopped raining and the howling wind has ceased. So into the Bus with power tools.
A new speaker placement was made for one of the 6x9's. Moved it from it's original end placement to now facing inwards of the pasenger side bench seat. This now means I can install another storage cupboard on the end of the bench seat.

Monday, December 04, 2006

Made a new storage cupboard last week. This will fit at the end of the passenger side bench seat beside the middle door entrance. I thought everything was going to easy on this job.
The cupboard only required a new door and I had 3 spare doors, so one of them must surely fit. The first one that I tried fitted the cupboard and only one interior bracket needed to be moved up slightly,( only two screws) Easy.
On installing the cupboard onto the end of the bench I forgot that there was a speaker already there. This speaker will now have to be taken out and moved further down the bench. A new hole will have to be cut out of the plyboard and the speaker inserted into it's new position.