Monday, November 05, 2007

Well It's been awhile my friends, so let's do a update. Been away camping and ran the starter battery flat. Reason for this was. I thought that the leisure battery was powering the CD player. Turns out that all the electrical items that you want to use from the leisure battery have to be connected to the leisure battery. I thought that by connecting the leisure battery up to the relay I had done that. Sadly I am again wrong. All the relay does is allow split charging from the alternator, that's it, nothing else. So I have know wired up the CD player to work from the leisure battery.

Today I have fitted a Accessory socket that works from the leisure battery.

The Socket was bought from Maplins along with a small black plastic box. A hole was drilled in the top for the socket to fit into and a smaller hole was drilled through the bottom of the box for the positve and negative wires to connect onto their connections marked on the socket.

The box was then fitted into the Bus and the negative wire connected to a suitable earth. The positive wire was connected to the leisure battery positive terminal through an inline fuse holder with a 10amp fuse.